WAD : Courtesy Visit of the President of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division.

Posted on Juil 16 2024

WEST-CENTRAL AFRICA DIVISION : Courtesy Visit of the President of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division.

After a sojourn in Nigeria, specifically at Babcock University and at the headquarters of the Western Nigeria Union Conference, the President of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division landed in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, for a courtesy visit on July 9, 2024. Pastor (Dr.) Yo Han Kim and his wife arrived late in the morning in Ivorian territory, responding to an invitation extended to them during the recent visit of our Division leaders to South Korea.

Pastor Yo Han Kim and his wife arrived in Abidjan around 11:35 AM, and after the usual formalities at the airport, they proceeded to the Division headquarters accompanied by the president, Pastor Robert Osei-Bonsu. They were welcomed by members of the A.Y. dressed in white, departmental heads, and Division staff. Pastor Robert Osei-Bonsu took the opportunity to introduce the departmental heads and staff members to his guest, Yo Han Kim.

After a brief passage at Pastor Robert’s office, the President of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division and his wife proceeded to the prayer hall to receive the honors due to their rank. 

This was followed by the welcoming greetings in various languages from the countries within the West-Central Africa Division territory (Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, and Liberia). To conclude this series of traditional welcomes, Mrs. Jane Nwarungwa performed two songs in the Igbo language and Pastor Paul Kyeremeh entrusted Pastor Yo Han Kim and his wife’s stay to the Lord’s care.

Taking the floor, the President of the South and East Côte d'Ivoire Conference, Pastor Kouadio Lazard, thanked God for Pastor Yo Han Kim’s presence in Ivorian territory and extended a fraternal Akwaba, followed by greetings from Pastor Djossou, President of the East Sahel Union Mission, who came specially from Togo, where the Union’s headquarters is located, to attend this event. In his address, Pastor Djossou, on behalf of all his Union colleagues, welcomed the distinguished visitor and his wife, wishing them a pleasant stay in the various countries of the West-Central Africa Division they would visit.

Pastor Osei-Bonsu, the Division President thanked his colleague for the love and consideration by accepting the invitation to visit WAD for which he is the first leader.

Pastor (Dr.) Yo Han Kim and his wife, accompanied by the Presidents of the Division, the East Sahel Union Mission, and the South and East Côte d'Ivoire Conference, will respectively visit Marcory Adventist College of Abidjan, Grand-Bassam (the first capital of Côte d'Ivoire), and the Baie des Milliardaires on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. On Thursday, July 11, the entire team will travel to Yamoussoukro, the political capital of the country, to visit the world’s largest Basilica and some renowned infrastructures, especially the Crocodile Lake and, of course, the Palace of the first President of Côte d'Ivoire.

On Friday, July 12, 2024, Pastor Yo Han Kim and his wife will visit the city of Abidjan in the morning and take their flight in the afternoon to Ghana, where he will preside over the grand graduation ceremony of Valley-View University on Sunday, July 14, 2024.

Bollet Nestor
Communication Department, WAD


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