
News Entries

  • Ted N. C. Wilson Re-elected as General Conference President Delegates to the 61st General Conference Session vote to accept the Nominating Committee recommendation. June 6, 2022 | St. Louis...
  • Paul Douglas réélu trésorier de l’Église adventiste du septième jour Douglas occupe le poste de trésorier exécutif depuis qu’il a remplacé Juan Prestol-Puesan en 2021. 7 Juin 2022 | S...
  • Paul Douglas Re-elected as Treasurer of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Douglas has held the position of Executive Treasurer since he replaced Juan Prestol-Puesan in 2021. June 7, 20...
  • Notre mission : le cœur de l’Église 7 Juin 2022 | Saint-Louis, Missouri, États-Unis | Shawn Boonstra C’est peut-être le point le plus important de l’ordre du jour : à 10h11, une minute aprè...
  • Our Mission: The Heart of the Church

    Posted on Juin 08 2022

    Our Mission: The Heart of the Church June 7, 2022 | St. Louis, Missouri, United States | Shawn Boonstra It may be the most important item on the agenda: at 10:11 a.m., one minute after the ...
  • Robert Osei-Bonsu, PhD, MED

    Posted on Juin 08 2022

    Robert Osei-Bonsu, PhD, MED, is an ordained minister (August 1998) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Associate Professor of Historical-Theological Studies at the Adventist University of Afr...
  • I Will Go: 2020 - 2025

    Posted on Juil 01 2020

    NOTRE MISSION:Faire des disciples de Jésus-Christ qui vivent comme ses témoins fidèles et proclamer à tous l'Evangile éternel des messages des trois anges pour son prochain retour (Matthieu 28: 18-...
  • I Will Go: 2020 - 2025

    Posted on Juin 30 2020

    OUR MISSION:Make disciples of Jesus Christ who live as His loving witnesses and proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for His soon return (Matt ...